You are here: Operating Manual > Clients > Summary

topuptax - Client Summary

Under the View/Edit Client heading on the left hand pane of the main screen select Summary.  

In addition to showing basic Client Data this "at a glance" screen provides tax year sensitive information regarding your client's Tax Payments due, Tax Return Progress, Tax Return Queries and entries made via the Notes  screen.

Client Details/Tax Return Address

A summary of the information needed when speaking with HMRC Agents' Priority Line.

Tax Payments

To lock the Interim (POA's) and Final net payment into their relevant boxes it is essential that the View Calculation routine is run first.

Tax Return Progress

Filing Status data is picked up from Online Filing and the Return Status from entries made manually via the List Returns screen.

Tax Return Queries

This screen is not linked to any other part of the program. Entries must be made manually and are relevant only to the selected the return year.  





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